Key Tips for Organizing Your Dresser

Key Tips for Organizing Your Dresser

Posted by Bi-Rite Furniture on 25th Jul 2019

Our dressers are one of the most important furniture pieces in our homes. They act as storage for all our essential clothing items and we rely on them to house these items in a way that maximizes our bedroom’s space. Along with this, we also want to organize our clothes so we can easily find what we’re looking for; but when our stock of clothes grows, it becomes more difficult to fit what we need …
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Pet-Proofing Your Furniture: Tips for Animal-Lovers

Pet-Proofing Your Furniture: Tips for Animal-Lovers

Posted by Bi-RIte Furniture on 22nd Jul 2019

According to the Human Animal Bond Research Institute, “98% of pet owners agree that their pet is an important part of their family.” Because our pets are so precious to us, it’s only natural that we want to treat them as well as we treat other members of the family. However, even if we want our pets to enjoy the family home just as we do, they can easily cause costly damage to our furniture. Prot …
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Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Furniture

Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Furniture

Posted by Bi-Rite Furniture on 18th Jul 2019

Studies show that when individuals complete household chores, women do so for just over two and a half hours while men only work for two hours. During this time, homeowners will vacuum, do laundry, and straighten up their things.However, there is another important cleaning aspect that often goes overlooked. Whether you’re preparing your home for game day or simply want to keep everything neat, it’ …
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How to Buy the Perfect Sectional Sofa for Your Home

How to Buy the Perfect Sectional Sofa for Your Home

Posted by Bi-Rite Furniture on 15th Jul 2019

Sectional sofas play an important part in modern home design. These customizable sofas have existed since the Civil War, but according to Interior Define Journal, “the design didn’t become popular until the mid-1940s, when… then-unknown [furniture designer] Harvey Probber began experimenting with modular seating arrangements.” The demand for sectional sofas quickly rose and sparked the beginning o …
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